PC Circuit Builder
Версия: |
1.4 |
Автор: | New Age Information Technologies |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
Скачать |
Цена: | $69 |
Designed to build and price custom computer system configurations on-the-fly.
If your company sells computers - PC Circuit Builder is designed for you.
PC Circuit Builder allows the client to configure a computer and then make order for computer configuration.
PC Circuit Builder has three areas:
- the main site, where clients can choose the configuration.
- administration area for manufacturer.
- administration area for merchants.
Administration area for manufacturer, where he can:
- manage the products;
- look through the clients' orders (prices without markups made by the merchant);
- search for orders (by ID, by First Name, by Last Name);
Administration area for merchants, where they can:
- set the price for computers;
- set delivery costs;
- manage configurations of computers;
- add, edit, delete descriptions for completing;
- manage the clients' orders;
- search for orders (by ID, by First Name, by Last Name);
- load their own logo.
In the PC Circuit Builder there is a possibility to create any quantity of configurations for distributors. Each distributor can set the markup for computers. All the prices, changed by the manufacturer, are automatically propagated to all the distributors as the program uses shared database for the goods.
- Easy to configure
- Change prices as desired
- Add/remove categories and components easily
- Customize appearance with background, font, and table colors
- Add HTML/Graphics to the top and bottom of pages
- Instant pricing feature
- Built-in order form - you can customize order forms, making any fields required.
- Your customers will receive e-mailed confirmation of order.
- Departments you specify will receive e-mailed order form
- Display or hide individual component prices
Обещание хорошо тем, что от него всегда можно отказаться. Ш. Талейран
-- Сара, ты бы хоть спросила, как я живу! -- А как ты живешь? -- Он, и не спрашивай!
Женщины могут все, только некотоpые стесняются.