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» Password
Network Password Changer
Changes password on multiple computers centrally. Ideal for centrally changing the Local Administrator password on a group of computers.
This will work with domains and workgroups.
1-2-3 WebPassword
Using WebPassword, a website owner is able to protect his HTML page with a password quickly, easily and reliably. WebPassword features easy-to-use wizard-type interface. WebPassword uses strong cryptoalgorithm. WebPassword supports all hosting types.
Alpha Organizer
Alpha Organizer includes an address book, to-do list, notepad and password vault, makes for a complete personal information management system that gets and keeps you organized.
Atory Password Generator
Atory Password Generator allows you to create random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to hack or guess due to an optional combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and punctuation symbols.
Password Security Vault
Keep track of all your internet passwords and login names in a password protected MS-Access database file. All MS-Access® capabilities built into the software.
Password Officer DeLuxe
Password Officer offers a professional solution for all your password issues: generating, entering, storing, securing, changing, organizing, transporting and accessing. Password Officer makes your life simpler, you can be more productive and secure.
Fast Outlook Express Password Recovery
If you've lost or forgotten your password to Outlook Express mail account, this software utility will recover it for you. It works with all Outlook Express versions, supports multiple languages and does not require installation. FREE download!
Cynapse SafeKeys
Cynapse SafeKeys generates random, unique, equal length passwords. The passwords generated can be customized to a particular length, character case, whether the password should be alphabetic, numeric, a mix of numeric and special characters, etc.
Ошибочно думать, что многознание есть достоинство. Важно не количество, а качество знания. Л. Толстой
Однажды Молла стоял у ворот. Увидев проезжающего мимо всадника, он из вежливости сказал: -- Брат, ты, наверное, устал, зайди, будь гостем. Всадник поспешно слез с лошади, словно только и ждал приглашения Моллы. Войдя во двор, он спросил: -- Молла, а куда мне привязать лошадь? -- Привяжи к моему слишком длинному языку,-- ответил смущенный Молла.
- Весна покажет кто где срал !