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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
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Perimon - Natural Family Planning

  Версия: 3.58
Автор:Axtronic Software
Скачать Цена:$0


What is Perimon? Perimon is a family planning system that gives you space for own decisions. Perimon is a menstrual period monitor which gives you insight into your cycle. For whom is Perimon? Perimon is made for women from 18 to 45 years, who ... - want to perceive the various cyclic changes in their body, - want to take part in the process of their own birth control, - are interested in simple and time-effective birth control. Is birth control with Perimon safe? Perimon was build and tested in seven years of practical usage. Though it's freeware it isn't inferior to other systems of natural family planning. Nevertheless: Natural birth control is less safe than chemical. Instead it has other advantages. Why is Perimon freeware? Using Perimon is free of charge because its user surface is out of date (operation without mouse and graphics). I offer it nevertheless because it gives excellent results. What is the aim of Perimon? Perimon's goal is to facilitate a woman's contact with her individual phases of the female cycle (the ovulation, the premenstrual variation in mood, the fertility and infertility). advantages of Perimon: - no initial costs, no current costs - uncomplicated to use (no daily measurements to enter, just the dates of the menstruation once a month) - you will get in touch with the female body (its cycle) - birth control with Perimon is natural and has no side effects disadvantages of Perimon: - max. 12.5 days are designated for unprotected inter-course. That's only 63% of the possible days - for the remaining days other methods of contra-ception have to be used - additional observation of your cycle is recommended to maximize safety - first forecasts after 3-4 periods, fully functional after half a year



Такая уж была у него привычка, что с книгой он спал гораздо лучше, чем без нее.
Ф. Рабле


Приплелся пьянчужка домой поздно ночью и, не включая
свет, чтобы не беспокоить жену, стал искать, что бы поесть. В по-
темках нашел кастрюлю, съел содержимое, да и спать лег. А утром
выговаривает жене:
-- Что ты там наварила: суп еще куда бы ни шло, но мясо
совсем не проварилось!
-- Какой суп? Какое мясо? -- всплеснула руками жена.--
Пьяная твоя морда, ведь это я в кастрюле капроновую мочалку вы-


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