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» Personal Finance
"FINCALC 6.0" is a Windows program designed to handle differing financial calculations related to investments and lending.
15 vs 30 Year Mortgage +
Program Description: 15 VS 30 YEAR MORTGAGE
This program is a version that allows you to compare a 15 year
mortgage with one for 30 years. It will run under
Win 95, 98, Me, NT4, XP & 2000. Printouts are professional looking.
Checklist Investor
Stock Market Investment Software for the Intelligent Investor. Make Better Decisions by following a systematic approach using the strategies of the all time investing greats (Buffett, Graham, Lynch, CANSLIM, etc.).
J and L Retirement Planner
The top rated J and L Retirement Planner is a retirement planning software program that allows you to create simple or complex retirement scenarios based on financial events through out your life.
J and L Financial Tool Set
A set of financial planning tools to aid you in making those important financial decisions like loans, mortgages, refinancing, credit card debt payoff, a Rule 72t calculator and other easy to use tools.
Manage your checking accounts with this inexpensive tool. CheckBook 2.0 uses a simple interface to enter and balance your checking account transactions. A trial version can be used free for 30 days. Available for Windows 98, NT, Me, 2000, and XP.
Mortgage Advisor
Mortgage Advisor allows you to analyze and optimize your mortgage. Learn how to pay off your mortgage sooner and save money at the same time. View detailed schedules showing a breakdown of your mortgage over time and perform "What if" calculations.
Horizon Investment Analyst
Horizon Investment Analyst calculates profit, periodic, cumulative, & average annual total return, internal rate of return (IRR), capital gain, buy/sell prices, basis worksheets. Many charts. Very useful for investments w/multiple cash flows.
ExpenseMonitor Excel
ExpenseMonitor Excel tracks your expense and helps to analyze your spending pattern. It calculates the monthly totals, saving, and charts on the fly! Yearly consolidation can be made on a click. Also helps in bill consolidation
Fund Manager - Professional
Fund Manager is a full featured portfolio management application. Fund
Manager is designed to help investors monitor and analyze their stocks,
mutual funds, and other investments with a wide variety of easy to use
graphs and reports.
Самое большое достоинство политика заключается в том, чтобы не утратить чувство целого. Э. Мунье
Рабиновича вызвали в КГБ - оказывается, у вас есть брат в Израиле! - но я с ним тридцать лет не переписываюсь! - и напрасно! Он борется против империализма и поддерживает политику советского союза. Так что не бойтесь, вот вам бумага, и прямо сейчас здесь садитесь и пишите ему письмо! "Дорогой Хаим! - пишет Рабинович. - наконец-то я выбрал вре- мя и место написать тебе..."
План эякуляции при пожаре!