Photo Album Helper
Версия: |
1 |
Автор: | Light Development |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
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Цена: | $0 |
Photo Album Helper can be used to reduce JPEG images in quality and size. It is meant to support creation of web photo albums from a collection of photographs made with a digital camera. To view a digital image on the screen does require significantly less resolution than provided by a digital camera or scanner. Images from digital cameras can be reduced in quality and size without loss of display quality conserving bandwidth and storage requirements of web photo albums at the same time. Photo Album Helper takes an arbitrary number of JPEG images and reduces each image to a given width, height and quality. Even a large number of image files can be processed within seconds.
Если сознание смотрит снизу вверх, то подсознание - сверху вниз. Авессалом Подводный
- каким образом пуля Ильина попала в шофера - рикошетом от лба Брежнева.
Объявление на столбе: "Куплю квартиру в этом доме"