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Delphi components  

Picture Patrol Officer XP

  Версия: 1.2.1
Скачать Цена:$14.99


The Usenet is a discussion network, organized into newsgroups. It spans thousands of servers across the world. It is not known to all Internet users, because most of them never leave the web or their email. They will not see this unknown half, with so many treasures (and dangers) within it. Everyone can post articles to the groups, and they can be text messages but also binaries, like pictures. And here is where Picture Patrol Officer XP comes in: it can extract thousands of pictures from newsgroup messages every day, without much effort from you. And while doing this, Picture Patrol Officer XP hides any spam. It only shows the pictures it finds, and never bothers you with unnecessary text messages it encounters. You only get the adult, animal, aviation or any other pictures, without doing much yourself. Finally, you can sit back and watch the computer work for you...



Большинство людей глупы, и всякий дурачится на свой лад.
Эразм Роттердамский


Конкурс на лучшую книгу о слонах. Немцы представили капи
тальный труд в трех томах "Введение в науку о слонах". американы
- покетбук: "Что должен знать средний американец о слонах". Евреи
- "Слоны и еврейский вопрос". Болгары - "Болгарский слон - млад-
ший брат советского слона". Русские - "Россия - родина слонов" и
"Советский слон - самый сознательный в мире".


Девиз русского преподавателя: "Каждой твари - по паре!"

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