
PlexCrypt Compression-Encryption
Версия: |
3.1 |
Автор: | PlexObject Solutions, Inc. |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $24.95 |
PlexCrypt protects documents and folders based on
both asynchronous encryption based on Public-Key-Infrastructu
re (PKI) and synchronous encryption based on passwords.
The encryption uses secured algorithms such as AES, Blowfish,
CAST, DES, ElGamal, IDEA, IES, RC4, RC6, RSA, Rijndael,
Serpent Skipjack, Twofish, etc. It allows users to encrypt
multiple files and folders automatically. PlexCrypt allows
users to digital sign documents and folders and use
that signature to verify that original document has not
been maliciously or accidently altered.
PlexCrypt can create self-decrypting files, which can be transfered
to other users and can be decrypted without installing PlexCrypt.
PlexCrypt can also shred or deletes documents securely.
It supports MD5WithRSAEncryption, SHA1WithRSA/ISO9796-2,
MD2WithRSAEncryption, RIPEMD160WithRSAEncryption,
SHA1WithRSAEncryption, RIPEMD160WithRSAEncryption,
MD5WithRSA/ISO9796-2 RIPEMD160WithRSA/ISO9796-2,
RIPEMD160WithRSA/ISO9796-2 algorithms for digital signatures.
PlexCrypt also allows users to archive a set of files and folders in
the ZIP format and extract them later. In addition,
it allows users to create and manage digital certificates
and key-pairs for encryption and digital signatures.
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