Plug-and-Play Monitor
Версия: |
1.0 (Build 6.2) |
Автор: | Noel DANJOU |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $0 |
Plug-and-Play Monitor is an experimental tool which displays plug-and-play notifications from the system. To start monitoring, select a device type from the drop-down list or tick Monitor all device types and click Start.
If a network adapter is plugged or unplugged while the program monitors Network Adapters, the program should display the name of the adapter.
Note: the Monitor all device types option is only available on Windows XP systems. When it is is ticked all PnP notifications are shown otherwise only the notifications for the selected device type are displayed.
Человек - это процесс его поступков. А. Грамши
- что это такое - пыхтит, пердит, а в жопу не толкает - новая советская машина для толкания в жопу.
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