Версия: |
3.0.0 |
Автор: | Athnetix |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $25 |
PPC is a professional pitching chart that tracks pitch location, pitch count, balls/strikes and pitch velocity by type of pitch and inning. Data can quickly be exported to the desktop version of Professional Pitching Chart for analysis and comparison. Numerous graphs allow for determination of a pitchers performance by pitch location, velocity by inning or game. Mound time is recorded as well as, a pitch count alarm that will notify you when a pitcher has exceed his recommended pitch count. PPC is a great tool and is quickly learned.
PPC Highlights:
Count every pitch by location.
Count every pitch by velocity.
Count every pitch by type(fastball, curve, etc).
Import from the desktop version all pitchers and teams as well as pitch type.
Export to the desktop version of PPC the game decision, pitch location, speed, mound time and pitch type.
Graphs that show real time strikes by pitch type.
Graph that shows game summary (pitch count and mound time).
Graph that shows pitch velocity by type(fastball, curve, etc) by inning.
By inning graph showing strikes per pitch type (fastball, curve, etc).
Instant replay allows the user to instantly review an inning or the entire game. Each pitch is replayed (you set the replay speed) to the exact location, displaying mph and pitch type. An indicator will show whether the pitch was a strike or ball. Options allow the inning and or game to be replayed continuously or a single pitch at a time.
Высшие должности походят на крутые скалы: одни только орлы да пресмыкающиеся взбираются на них. А. Сталь
Американский профсоюзный деятель посетил НИИ. В комнатах з столами почти никого не было. В коридоре сотрудники стояли кучками, курили и рассказывали анекдоты. На подоконнике двое играли в шахматы. Одна женщина демонстрировала другой новую кофточку. Уходя, гость сказал: - желаю вам успеха в вашей забастовке!
Какой хороший сын - хоть и ребенок мужа