Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 1.0
Автор:CaptureWorks, Inc.
Скачать Цена:$89


PointCapture will help you: Find a specific PowerPoint presentation buried in your computer folders, using powerful data and text filtering and search tools. Find a specific PowerPoint slide buried in any PowerPoint presentation that might otherwise take you a long time to find by yourself by opening PowerPoint files one-by-one. Locate all PowerPoint slides with only certain text, numbers (or both) in them. Locate PowerPoint files that meet certain PowerPoint File Properties criteria, such as Author and create date. You can even search custom fields. Do a combined File Properties and slides search, such as "any slide containing the phrase incentive program, by Author Sally Jones" Instantly preview the presentations and slides as a result of your search Select all or a subset of the slides and instantly build a new PowerPoint presentation. As you can see, PointCapture software offers a highly efficient and easy way to find just the content you need for your next presentation! It will save you lots of time and puts you in easy touch with content thatВ№s already been created.



Первый шаг младенца есть первый шаг к его смерти.
К. Прутков


Едет дядька на подводе. Незнакомая тетка просит его:
-- Дядечка хороший, подвезите!
-- Но! Но, Красуля! -- это он лошади.
-- Дядечка, я десятку дам.
-- Тпр-р! Стой, Красуля, куда летишь, тут вот что-то краса-
вица говорит.


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