Popups Nuker
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Автор: | PopupsNuker.com |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
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Цена: | $0 |
Popups Nuker - Pop up Killer & Stopper & Ads Filter intelligently blocks annoying aspects of browsing the net (ads, Pop ups advertising, slow surfing speeds, spying cookies). Works with all Web Browsers (AOL, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera). Pop Up Ads Filter is full-featured with everything you would want from a pop-up blocker, while making sure it never gets in your way. Comes in many languages and adding your own is easy!. This software contains advanced pop-up, pop-under, popup windows, and Ad Blocking prevention technology. Ad blocking technology suppresses bandwidth-sucking banner ads. The interface allows you to monitor the number of pop-ups blocked. It engages automatically when you start up IE, working silently in the background like a skilled assassin to keep you safe from unwanted popup intruders, while leaving windows alone that you WANT to open. Works with all the web browsers: Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, AOL, MSN, SBC Yahoo, WMConnect, Opera, and many others. Instant Notification - Play one of many included fun sounds when a pop-up ads are blocked. Multi-Language Support, and it's easy to add your own language!!. This popup killer Automatically. Artificial Intelligence Technology does the work FOR you without confusing options, unnecessary hassles, or wasted time. Can also be started manually or at windows startup or with your browser window startup. Instant Notification - Play one of many included fun sounds and visual notifications when a pop-up ad is blocked. Personalize your experience! Play a fun sound when a pop-up window is blocked. Choose from over 29 sounds. Works with modems, LAN, cable, DSL, ISDN, T1-3, wireless connections. Block Banner Ads: Remove all the clutter of all the flashing banner ads. Block pop ups and pop-under ads including X10 and Casino windows. Preserve bandwidth by blocking pop-ups before they load!. View the number of pop-ups blocked. Pop-Up Killer Stopper & Ads Shield is very small and easy to use.
Кругом пустое нет. В. Хлебников
Шел мужик в город. Вдруг из-под моста выбежал бандит с пистолетом и отобрал у него деньги. -- Послушай,-- говорит мужик бандиту.-- Ты свое дело сделал. Но пожалей меня. Прострели мне пиджак, чтобы жена поверила, что меня ограбили, а то подумает, что пропил. Знаешь, какие жены! Тот прострелил. -- Теперь еще сюда пальни разок,-- подставляет мужик ру- кав пиджака. -- Чего ж, можно и сюда. -- Теперь сюда,-- подставляет мужик шапку. -- Не могу, патроны кончились. -- Тогда пойдем в милицию,-- и мужик схватил грабителя за воротник.
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