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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Precise Time 2002

  Версия: 1.13
Автор:Richard Kaemmerer
Скачать Цена:$15


Precise Time 2002 is an easy to use tool to synchronize your computer's system clock (which includes date and time) to a high-precise internet time server. These servers are powered by atomic clocks which are the most precise clocks on this planet. With Precise Time 2002, your PCs built-in clock can be this precise, too! But Precise Time 2002 can do more - it can act as a time server for your whole network (size doesn't matter here) and you even can change some options with your internet browser via the network. If you want it to it can dial up to the internet for you. Or you can set it into "fast-mode" - it starts up when Windows boots, connects to the internet, sychronizes time and exits (registered version only). Features: - resides in the system tray - extremely easy to setup - in fact, it's almost completely configured after setup and everything is 100% self-explanatory - updates your system clock in the background every 1-24 hours and on startup - can autostart with Windows if you want it to (and can immediately exit after time synchronization in the registered version) - manages more than one time server - if one doesn't work there's always another. Or you can enter your own time serving host. - can become a time server for your whole network with one click of your mouse! - can be administrated with a web interface if you want to! - keeps a "low profile" - doesn't spam you with messages - inexpensive



Страсть делает наилучшие наблюдения и наихудшие выводы.
Ж.-П. Рихтер


На собрании председатель колхоза говорит, как много дала со
ветская власть простым людям:
- посмотрите на Марью Петровну - она была простой крестьян-
кой, а сейчас она заведует клубом. Посмотрите на Пелагею Федоров-
ну - она тоже была простой крестьянкой, а сейчас она заведует
библиотекой. Посмотрите на Степана Митрофаныча - был дурак дура-
ком, а сейчас секретарь парторганизации!


Сошла лавина, и все лыжники финишиpовали одновpеменно ...

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