PresenTense NTP Auditor
Версия: |
3.7 |
Автор: | Bytefusion Ltd. |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $59.95 |
PresenTense NTP Auditor monitors your computer's built-in clock and compares it's time to the real time. Most computer clocks lose or gain time so within a few days, your computer does not show the real time. Many software packages claim to synchronize your computer to atomic clocks or satellite clocks on the internet but how do you really know that your computer's clock is correct? PresenTense Auditor allows you to monitor and record your computer's time and graph the difference between it and up to three national reference clocks on the internet. PresenTense NTP Auditor can save logs for days, months and years so you can PROVE what time your computer had at any given point. The full version even supports printing running logs to a line printer.
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