
Privacy Eraser
Версия: |
3.50 |
Автор: | PrivacyEraser Computing Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $29.95 |
Privacy Eraser is an Internet Eraser that protects your Internet privacy by permanently erase Internet history and past computer activities. With simply one click, Privacy Eraser allows you to erase the cache, cookies, history, visited/typed URLs, autocomplete forms data, saved password, index.dat files of your browser, and Window's swap file, temp folders, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents and more. The cookie cleaning feature allows you to specify cookies to keep, so that you don't erase your important login cookies. In addition, you can change the paths of several system folders (Cache, Cookies, History, Favorites etc.) and customize the Internet Explorer (IE) title bar text. With Privacy Eraser Pro's free plug-ins, you can easily erase the tracks of popular programs. We currently offer more than 180 FREE plug-ins which supports the most popular programs such as ACDSee, Acrobat, Microsoft Office, KaZaA, MSN Messenger, Real/RealOne Player, Media Player and many others. Our internet eraser also support popular browsers such as IE, Netscape/Mozilla, AOL, Opera and MSN Explorer. With Privacy Eraser Pro, your can schedule cleaning task run at a time that is most convenient for you. Privacy Eraser completely implements the US Department of Defense DOD 5220.22-M and NSA clearing and sanitizing standard, to gives you confidence that once deleted with Privacy Eraser, your file data is gone forever and can not be recovered.
Человек занят тем, от чего он ожидает счастья, но самое большое его счастье состоит в том, что он занят. Ален
Муж возвращается с работы и видит, что жена плачет. -- Я испекла тебе пирожки с мясом, но когда вышла из кух- ни, кот съел их все до единого. Муж ее успокаивает: Не плачь. Если с ним что-нибудь случится, я тебе куплю еще лучшего котика.
Завтра у нас занятия по ВАП. Форма одежды - без оружия.