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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Program which restores Windows 95/98

  Версия: 3.8.4
Автор:VEK Software
Скачать Цена:$29


Many beginners and sometimes experienced users are afraid to crash operating system by incorrect actions. For example changing screen definition and upgrading drivers may have unexpected results. Now you can feel free of this fears. This program can bring your Windows to initial state in just a couple of minutes. You can keep experimenting with new software without any concern that this may crash Windows or any of its programs - in a moment you can bring everything back. This especially refers to those who frequently install new toys which cause computer failures and following headaches. Even if you know nothing about this program and started working at somebody else computer it will not allow you to make irrevocable changes in Windows settings and will stay aware of any change periodically scanning the whole operating system.



Стену непонимания следует разбирать по кирпичу.
Авессалом Подводный


-- Меня ужалила ваша пчела,-- жалуется дачник соседу, ко-
торый разводит пчел.
-- Покажите, которая! Я ее накажу!


По-видимому, Бог создал женщину позднее потому, что не захотел слушать советов при создании мужчины.

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