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» Puzzle
Leaf Buster
Got an hour or two to devote to solving a tough puzzle? Leaf Buster is just what you need. Loosely based on the concept of Collapse, this puzzle features simple, easy-to-understand rules, addictive gameplay and awesome graphics. Try it free now!
New CubIQ is now enhanced with a multitude of various game types for more opportunities for you to challenge and develop your logic and intuition. Check it out and see how puzzle games can really puzzle you. This is a CubIQ game of a new generation.
BrickAttack is a game where you are trying to match block colors. Shoot bricks into the field until you aren't able to make a move. Four moving walls contain different-colored bricks. The game has several levels of difficulty.
Cosmic Fortune
Cosmic Fortune is an easy and addictive puzzle game that is played in 4 different ways across the galaxy. All game variations of Cosmic Fortune require you to remove game pieces by arranging them into rows of 5 or more of the same color.
Crystal Cave
Search long-lost treasures in pitch black caves, pyramids and dark tombs
of ancient temples. You as an intrepid tomb seeker must resolve puzzles
of pharaohs, fight kings and show courage in many adventures to get them all.
Chatterblox Deluxe
Like Boggle? Try Chatterblox! Help Rex the dinosaur free the Icelings in this exciting and addictive action/word game.
Everybody wants to be a superhero: but some of us have to be electricians. Your mission in this electrical puzzle is to light the evening city. Quickly attach together a contact out of numerous wire pieces and get a faerie electrical discharge.
HotchPotch is a brandnew game idea. The game presents two pictures to you, which at first sight, seem identical. However, one of them contains a series of, more or less subtle alterations. Can you find them all within the time limit?
Now Hear This!
Play the AUDIO version of the classic Memory / Concentration game! Use your own sounds, and create your own categories! This memory match game supports 3 game sizes, multiple players, Timed game option, and Intermittent Shuffle.
Paraben's 5 in-a-line
Paraben's 5 in-a-line is a simple yet highly addictive game. The object of the game is to line up five or more marbles in a line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Every time you line up five or more marbles, that line disappears.
Жалок тот ученик, который не превосходит своего учителя. Леонардо да Винчи
Чапаева с Петькой направили в Африку для культурной помощ слаборазвитым странам. Вскоре приезжает комиссия ЦК проверять их работу. Они видят скачущего Чапаева в развевающейся бурке по берегу реки Лимпопо и буксирующего на тросе негра, скользящего по реке на водных лыжах. Комиссия довольна. Она движется дальше и встречает Петьку, который запряг в плуг двух негров и пашет землю. Комиссия возмущена: - и это вы называете культурной помощью? Берите пример с товарища Чапаева, катающего негра! - не, это Василий Иваныч крокодила на живца ловит!
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