
Версия: |
1.3 |
Автор: | MJT Net Ltd |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $19.99 |
QuickButtons allows you to create an AppBar with buttons that simulate keystrokes. An AppBar is like the Windows Task Bar - a bar that sits at the bottom or top of your screen. A QuickButtons Button Bar will sit happily above the Windows Task bar and will stay visible at all times so that you can work with your favourite applications and click on QuickButtons buttons whenever you need to. By assigning tricky keystrokes to large buttons complicated key sequences can be reduced to a single click. Buttons can be made quite large to increase the target area, reducing the chance for error. QuickButtons was originally written for Mark Weidmann, who suffers from MD, to try and make the use of his computer easier and it is hoped that QuickButtons will benefit others who find using keyboard shortcuts difficult or prefer to use the mouse. Mark enjoys playing on-line games and communicating with his Internet friends. Some of his games have awkward keystrokes that make playing them rather less enjoyable. QuickButtons lets him replace those keyboard sequences with simple buttons that are always available on the screen. Multiple Button Bars can be created and more than one can be active at one time. This means you can have Button Bars for different applications, or groups of applications. For instance you could create a Microsoft Office Button Bar, one for your favourite game and another for your email program.
Безумен тот, кто, не умея управлять собой, хочет управлять другими. Пубилий
Полицейский задержал двух пьяных шотландцев и доста- вил их в полицейский участок. -- А где третий? -- грозно спросил судья. -- Какой третий? -- Который за вас платил.
П Р О Д А М: камуфлированный ватник на подкладке из рубероида