
RIS Menu Editor v2.0
Версия: |
2.0 |
Автор: | emBoot Incorporated |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $29.99 |
Microsoft Windows 2000 / 2003 Servers' Remote Installation Services (RIS) is a well known tool that allows easy deployment of Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP over a network. Built on technology licensed from 3Com, emBoot now offers the emBoot RIS Menu Editor, and takes (Microsoft's) RIS beyond it's out-of-the-box capabilities.
emBoot's RIS Menu Editor extends the functionality of RIS by allowing network administrators to add menus and options to the RIS Client Installation Wizard, and to create boot images. These menus and options can be used to deliver network boot images that offer maintenance utilities, such as BIOS upgrades and virus scanning programs, or to deploy other operating systems to client PCs on a network.
The emBoot RIS Menu Editor v2.0 allows you to:
- Create a menu of options from which end users can choose at boot time on a client PC. These menus can appear in the Maintenance and Troubleshooting or Automatic Setup menu of the RIS Client InstallationWizard.
- Create boot image files (from standard boot diskettes) that contain startup files and application files which reside on a network server.
- View and modify the contents of boot image files directly, without creating or accessing boot diskettes.
- Configure advanced boot image file options, such as whether the files have extended or normal capacity.
В· Full functionality under Windows 2000 and 2003 Servers
В· Allows creation & editing of RIS menus and boot images from your desktop
В· Eliminate trips to the server for RIS configuration
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