RRTrains 2000
Версия: |
2.7 |
Автор: | Gregory Braun |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $0 |
RRTrains 2000 is a small program used to create a detailed inventory of your model railroad collection. RRTrains 2000 will record information about each locomotive and piece of rolling stock in your collection. Along with catalog and model information, you can also record acquisition dates, prices and current values. Several inventory reports can be generated and printed, an option is also included to print lists of items for sale. The inventory reports you generate can be displayed as standard HTML web pages. RRTrains 2000 includes a sample inventory database to fully illustrate how model railroad collections can be inventoried with this easy-to-use program. RRTrains 2000 will run on MS Windows XP and Millenium Edition as well as MS Windows 2000 and 9x/NT systems.
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