
Race Driver
Версия: |
2.3 |
Автор: | LanSharks |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $99 |
Race driver and race car management for auto racing, karting and 4WD. Track all your sessions - practice, qualifying, or a race - and save data on tire temps, tire pressures, oil, water, gearing and shock and spring settings. Ideal for multi-car teams. For each session, it tracks your competitors and what they are turning in lap times and also shows how you practiced, qualified and raced at each venue. Perform queries and searches, for instance finding everybody who had a lap faster than 1.39.00 at Willow Springs or finding the fastest lap any of your competitors at Watkins Glen. Additionally there's a Track database and a Hotel database to store basic info like track phone numbers, their web sites, names & telephones of hotels where you've stayed, what you paid last time, etc. Race Driver ships with a Report Wizard so you can create your own reports in addition to the reports shipped.
Я никогда не думаю о будущем. Оно приходит само достаточно скоро. А. Эйнштейн
-- Ну как, дорогой, вкусно? -- спрашивает молодая жена своего мужа после первого приготовленного ею обеда. -- Неплохо! Однако в следующий раз, дорогая, не забудь к соли добавить немного супа.
Лучше один раз родить, чем каждый день бриться...