
Версия: |
1.70 |
Автор: | TweakMarketing Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $69 |
RankMeter (formely Advanced Site Position) is a software designed to locate web-sites positions in search engines. RankMeter supports two modes of operation: you can find out position of one site using several sets of search phrases or, vice versa, you can find out positions of several sites using one search phrase. In both modes, search depth is unlimited. Program work with 336 search engines from 37 countries, including USA, Cannadian, Irish, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chilie, Estonian, Latvian, Czech, Icelandic, Israeli, Indian, Argentine, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, Brasilian, Portuguese, Chinese, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and other search engines. With RankMeter you'll get not only your site positions, you'll get a lot of additinal information: how many pages was returned by engine for your keywords, number of page with your site, position on the page with your site, list of top URLs. Also, you'll able to generate reports to publish results on the Web or analyze it in spreadsheet.
Гвардия сдается, но не умирает. И. Бабель
- Алексей Максымович, напысали бы маю быаграфыю - что вы, Иосиф Виссарионович, я в оное время отдалялся от партийных дел, многого не знаю, даже пытаться не стоит! - а вы папытайтэсь! Как гаварыт Лаврэнтий Павлович, папыт- ка - нэ пытка!
Самообладание вместо имения.