
Real Time Cleaner
Версия: |
2.5 |
Автор: | Amplusnet |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $9.95 |
Real Time Cleaner is an efficient and easy-to-use privacy protection tool that securely deletes online Internet tracks and program activity records that are stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer.
Real Time Cleaner maintains your online privacy - by permanently erasing all your online tracks such as Browser Cookies, Internet URL History, Typed URL history, Auto Complete Forms and Password History, Internet Explore Favorites and Temporary Files.
Also Real Time Cleaner removes the program activity records by erasing Recycle Bin Contents, Temporary Files, Document History, Run and Find Files History and many more.
Real Time Cleaner Features for
Internet Explore
Delete Browser History
Delete Browser Cookies
Delete Temporary Internet Files
Delete Last Typed URL
Delete Internet Explorer Favorites
Delete Auto Complete Forms and Password History
Delete Temporary Internet Files
Delete Typed URL History
Real Time Cleaner Features for
System and Program Activity Records
Delete Recycle Bin Contents
Delete Temporary Files
Delete Document History
Delete Run and Find Files History
Delete Last Log On User
Delete Computer History
Delete Network Connection History
Разница между умным человеком и дураком в том, что дурак повторяет чужие глупости, а умный придумывает свои. Неизв.
К местечковому богачу врывается знакомый: -- Хаим, спасайся! Наш достопочтенный ребе сказал, что Мессия может появиться со дня на день! -- Упаси нас, Боже, от такого несчастья! Подумать только -- вся родня, ближняя и дальняя, воскреснет и свалится мне на голову!
"Это будет уже моя третья книга. Вторую я решил не писать."