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» Screen Savers
» Religious
Fun software to help you memorize Scripture, using a testing tool and puzzles. Includes 800+ verses in King James, New King James, and NIV Versions. Custom verses can be used, or users can use predefined lists based on the Awana handbooks.
Names of Christ Screen Saver
This screen saver combines beautiful photographs of nature scenes with Scriptural passages on the names of Christ.
Noah's Ark Screen Saver
This screen saver combines a cute animation of Noah's Ark rocking on the water with 40 different wildlife sounds.
Christmas Story Screen Saver
This screen saver combines wonderful Christian art with Scripture passages that illustrate the story of Jesus' birth.
Home Group Overhead
Sing along with God! Overhead Slide Projection Program Displays Lyrics really huge on the screen in real time as Worship Music is Sung. You don't need a projector and you don't need any expensive software to lead the words of worship.
Мои шутки заключаются в том, что я говорю людям правду. Это самая смешная шутка на свете. Б. Шоу
- что такое "сиськи-масиськи", "письки-мисиськи", "кому сисиськи"? - это Брежневу в докладе встретились слова "систематический", "пессимистический", "коммунистический".
Клуб - это очаг культуры, не надо его тушить испражнениями