RepairCost Estimator for Excel
Версия: |
2.6 |
Автор: | CPR International, Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $45 |
Build accurate insurance repair estimates while saving time and money. Designed specifically for insurance repair and restoration contractors and insurance adjusters. RepairCOST Estimator contains extensive industry standard user-modifiable unit cost data for all cost categories covering repair and restoration. Built-in Space calculator automatically figures typical measurements simply by entering room dimensions. RepairCOST Estimator instantly creates user-modifiable, on-screen or printed estimate reports including price quotation. Use RepairCOST Estimator as an estimating or sales tool to save time, improve accuracy and achieve greater success.
RepairCost Estimator is designed and developed in the USA by CPR International, Inc., a leading provider of cost estimating software tools and cost data for the construction and insurance repair industry since 1986. Product registration will entitle you to lifetime free software and data updates. Use RepairCOST Estimator with confidence and profit!
Ревность часто не что иное, как беспокойное устремление к тирании, перенесенное в сферу любви. М. Пруст
Известного путешественника пригласили в гости. -- Последние три года я жил среди людоедов,-- рассказыва- ет он собравшимся. -- Боже мой! -- воскликнула хозяйка, всплеснув руками.-- А я приготовила баранину с черносливом!
КУПЛЮ: эмаль для зубов белую, 4 банки