
Версия: |
1.0.6 |
Автор: | 4Team Corporation |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $19.95 |
If you have busy email traffic and you need timesaving templates, this program is for you. Create the Templates as easily as you create a new email in Outlook, with no special forms or confusing instructions, or just copy existing emails to the Templates Folder , and you can start using ReplyWith. You can even organize email templates into subfolders to get a quick access to your Templates. To Reply or Forward your email with a Template just click on ReplyWith (ForwardWith) icons located next to Outlook email Reply and Forward buttons, in one click select your template from the "Select Template " dialog and you are done. Easily share you template experience, just pass (forward) your templates (emails) to your coworkers and after installing the software they will start using them.
The program is very useful for help desks and busy persons, and helps you and your coworkers spend less time writing email answers. This is a fantastic addition to the current email capability and a perfect email tool for active email users. It saves money, too. You can try it for Free for 14 days.
Мы считаем здравомыслящими лишь тех людей, которые во всем с нами согласны. Ф. Ларошфуко
В сумасшедшем доме выступает агитатор и расхваливает советс кую действительность. Аплодируют все, кроме одного, стоящего в стороне. - а вы почему не хлопаете? - интересуется агитатор. - а я не сумасшедший, я санитар!
Продаётся : защитный, пуленепробиваемый, водонепроницаемый, огнеупорный экран направленного действия. Гарантия - 3 года. Экологически чистый продукт.