
Resume Builder
Версия: |
3.20 |
Автор: | Sarm Software |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $24.95 |
Powerful resume writing application will help you create a great looking professional visualy exciting resume. Our application does the thinking and writing for you.
* Resume Builder creates an unlimited number of different, targeted resumes, each with a different objective, each specifically crafted for a different type of position.
* The interface is extremely intuitive, making it easy for you to build your resume quickly and effortlessly.
* Different resume styles. Write powerful resumes and cover letters with our professionally designed templates.
* Resume Builder allows to display the structure of a resume in a user-friendly format, so a user can choose what sections of resume he wants to publish and he can change the order of the Published Sections.
* Complete control: We've even made the toolbar in Resume Builder fully customizable. Configure it to suit your needs! You can specify font sizes and styles for text and colors for text, background, headers, tables and lines.
* Integration with Microsoft Office. Resume Builder supports export resume in Microsoft Word and Text plain formats.
* Export resume to HTML generates an HTML based resume that can include embedded hyperlinks, and other web specific functionality.
* Support export to HR-XML standard. HR-XML is a set of XML specifications to enable e-business and the automation of data exchanges in human resources information.
* Resume Builder supports printing any section or sections of your resume.
* Resume Builder is an international program, the languages of its interface are English and French. Resume can be created in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian.
* Internal contact database of Recruitment firms and employers. Create, modify or remove your contact records.
* Built-in e-mail messaging system. Send resumes to members of your contact database .
* Using default Outlook profiles.When users send e-mails the SMTP Wizard assists in selecting a profile of the Microsoft Ou
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