
Версия: |
2.1.0 |
Автор: | Robo-SOFT, Ltd. USA |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
Скачать |
Цена: | $59.95 |
Robo-FTP is a secure, script-driven Windows FTP client designed to conduct unattended file transfers with normal FTP and 128-bit SSH and SSL secure servers. New features include an integrated script editor and scheduling utility. Robo-FTP also features integrated PGP encryption/decryption to maintain the highest level of data security. Robo-FTP also supports integrated zip archive management, sending and receiving e-mail messages (no separate e-mail client required), single command local-server synchronization, capability to compare local and server files by date, time, and size, and to write messages to the NT event log, and a COM/OLE interface. A utility is provided to install Robo-FTP as a service on NT class PCs; a script file wizard is provided to build basic scripts by following simple "file in the blank" style prompting. Robo-FTP is designed around a script language consisting 100+ commands designed to automate virtually any FTP file transfers. While Robo-FTP’s design is centered around the execution of script files, the product also includes a simple but capable FTP client applet for general use and for use while testing scripts. Under the control of its script language, Robo-FTP can be directed to connect with one or more FTP servers, send and receive text and binary files, to detect and recover from errors at any time of the day or night. Robo-FTP maintains a detailed log file to record the events of a file transfer session. Each log file entry is stamped with the system date and time and records the step-by-step activity of a session for later review. Each log entry is immediately written to the log file so it is always up to date. In summary, Robo-FTP has been designed from the ground up as an unattended, secure file transfer package. Many other popular FTP packages designed for attended operation are excellent if you are there to drive, but often come up short if your needs call for unattended operation. For those times, there is Robo-FTP.
Недостаточно быть умным. Необходимо быть достаточно умным, чтобы не позволить себе стать умным сверх меры. А. Моруа
Для эксперимента на острове поселили по три человека -- двое мужчин и одна женщина -- от разных национальностей. Через год приезжает комиссия, смотрят, как они живут. Англичане -- муж и жена --живут вместе, а второй муж- чина отдельно живет. -- Почему вы так поступили? -- спрашивают его. -- Но меня же не представили даме! У французов все просто: женщина для обоих -- и жена, и любовница. У евреев -- две женщины! -- Откуда взяли вторую? -- удивляется комиссия. -- Достали. У русских -- двое мужчин. У одного на столе табличка "Председатель", у другого -- "Заместитель". -- А женщина где? -- Народ? А-а, народ в поле работает!
ЗАГС - это единственное заведение, где за брак платят деньги.