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» Screen Savers
» Scenic
Canyonlands National Park
Spectacular views of the unique natural arches, spires, fins, cliffs, and land forms of Canyonlands National Park. The pictures are accompanied by an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Ancient Rock Art
Beautiful views of ancient rock art show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Natural Fractals
Beautiful views of natural patterns show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Natural Arches
Beautiful views of natural stone arches show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
National Parks and Monuments
Beautiful views of national parks & monuments show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
National Parks
Beautiful views of spectacular national parks show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Mountains and Canyons
Beautiful views of Mountains and Canyons show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Beautiful Autumn
Beautiful autumn leaf colors show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Autumn Colors
Beautiful autumn colors show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Arches National Park
Spectacular views of the unique natural arches, spires, fins, cliffs, and land forms of Arches National Park. The pictures are accompanied by an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Народ, который поет и пляшет, зла не думает. Екатерина II
Сексот был загримирован под пень и отправлен в лес подслуши вать разговоры. Он себя выдал и оправдывается перед начальством: - товарищ майор! Пока они на мне сидели, я терпел. Пока они на мне занимались любовью, я терпел. Но когда они стали у меня на жопе свои инициалы вырезать - тут уж я не выдержал!
Помогите, люди добрые, кто чем не шутит