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» Utilities
» Scheduler
JIT Scheduler
JIT Scheduler is the task scheduler for Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4/2000/XP, it provides the easy way to create and launch tasks in specified day and time. JIT Scheduler supports 4 types of tasks: Application, Document, System Shutdown or Message (Remind)
Macro Mania
This award-winning program will save you time and money as you automate your computer tasks with macros. Macro Mania eliminates all the tedious computer tasks and redundant typing chores that can be done much faster and easier with macros.
Peter's Ultimate Alarm Clock
Puac is an alarm clock program, which sits in the system tray and lets you sound as many alarms as you like. Options include periodical alarms, snoozing, showing an alarm message, speaking an alarm message, opening files, programs, urls and sounds.
Advanced Scheduler
Advanced Scheduler software application comes preconfigured with Advanced Portal. It helps you schedule your meetings, appointments, tasks, reminders, alerts, etc.
Use our COM component to manage your local or remote tasks from VB, WSH, C++, ASP. All you need is one dll file DrTS.dll and Task Scheduler Component from Microsoft (included in IE4).
MacroToolbar, Standard Edition
The program allows user to create macros working in any Windows application and run them on single mouse click from customizable toolbar. The macro complexity can range from simple text insertion to sophisticated applications.
Либерал может сделаться министром, но из этого еще не следует, что он будет либеральным министром. В. Гумбольдт
- что такое брови Брежнева - это усы Сталина, но на более высоком уровне.
У одного человека были такие длинные ноги, что ему пpиходилось одевать бpюки чеpез голову.