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» ScreenSavers
Wild Animals
Feel the call of the wild. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 20 photos of beautiful wild animals with artistic borders accompanied by an optional soundtrack of MIDI-based tunes. Features include your choice of up to 23 transition
Seasonal Teddies
Seasonal Teddies is a 30 special effects slideshow screensaver that
includes 10 original Teddy art pictures representing all major holidays
like Christmas, Halloween, Graduation, etc. A midi file for background
music is also included.
Get out in the wild. Display 36 photos of beautiful and colorful wildflowers such as Blue Violets, Trilliums,Touch-Me-Not,Forget-Me-Not and more accompanied by an optional soundtrack of MIDI-based tunes.
Saturn 3D Space Tour
Saturn's ring system makes the planet one of the most beautiful objects in the solar system. It was difficult to reflect it's beauty by computer simulation, but using modern 3D technologies we tried to gain maximum possible realism in this animation.
Winter Wonderlands
This realistic screen saver displays beautiful, captivating winter scenery in the midst of a snow storm. The snow falls in a very natural fashion in accordance with options to control wind gusts and how heavily the snow falls.
Sinope Summarizer PE Trial
Sinope Summarizer PE enables you to summarize the content of a webpage while browsing the internet. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing techniques to summarize the text of a webpage, while leaving the layout and graphics intact.
The Piggybank screensaver populates your desktop with walking pigs, or rather, piggybanks.
You can set the number of pigs, toggle sound, have your desktop as background or a black screen and choose to add dropshadows.
Winter Wonders Screensaver
The Free Winter Wonders Screensaver displays 60 wonderful images of winter time. This is one "cool" screensaver and we're sure you're gonna love it! Includes wallpaper support and three full-length, CD-quality musical composition.
Хорошо высказываешь только ту любовь, которой не чувствуешь. А. Карр
Американский коммивояжер, войдя в квартиру, демонст- ративно вытряхивает из кулька на ковер заранее приготовленный мусор и тут же начинает рекламировать свой товар: -- Мадам, я готов съесть все то, что не вычистит наш заме- чательный пылесос! Эй, мэм, куда же вы? -- Один момент, я на кухню за ложкой,-- отвечает хозяйка,-- Вот, возьмите -- у нас уже два дня нет электроэнергии.
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