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» Screen Saver
FX Saver Toolbox
FX Saver helps you to create your own professional screen saver using your favorite images and background sounds easily. FX Saver supports more than 30 popular image formats, 2000 special effect combinations, and MID/WAV/MP3 sound formats.
KyoSoft Earth Screensaver
Earth Screensaver includes a stunningly rendered image of the earth together with smooth animation of the different phases and is fully configurable, including colour (ability to apply a colour filter), size, and starting phase.
Cool Flash Manager
It is a flash manager.Give note and comment to every flash.Manage flash under categories. Collect flash from internet,convert flash file to exe file,convert flash file to flash screensaver,search flash from IE cache and from all drivers.
Cool Flash Player
Cool Flash Player is a flash player.Enjoy or collect flash and manage flash movie files more conveniently. Collect flash from internet,convert flash file to flash screensaver,capture picture as flash wallpaper,search flash from IE cache etc.
Grand Canyon Screensaver
The Free Grand Canyon Screensaver by Scenic Reflections.com is truly grand and displays 75 beautiful and magnificent images of the glorious Grand Canyon National Park. Now you can experience its beauty and magnificence up close!
Exploring Space Screensaver
The Free Exploring Space Screensaver displays 77 awesome outer space themed images! This screen saver is stellar! The free exploring space screensaver also features three beautiful, CD-quality musical compositions and wallpaper support.
Chaotic Chance Screensaver Manager
Chaotic Chance Screensaver allows you to manage the screensavers that are currently installed on your system. Using this program you can choose your favorite screensavers and make them follow the desired order or run randomly.
CellFighter ScreenSaver
This screen saver is based on an amusing extension of the Game of Life: fidgety swarms of tiny critters wage a war for the screen space. You can change colors and forms of the critters, choose a speed, an intensity and a scenario of their battle.
Creepy Halloween Screen Saver
Creepy interactive animated Halloween screen saver. Just one of many modules in the MyCorkboard screensaver series, this module features spooky Halloween backgrounds, sticky notes, clocks, calendars, animated spiders and much more.
Phantom Desktop Screen Saver
Phantom Desktop Screen Saver, when activated, hides all application windows, desktop icons and the MS Windows taskbar, replacing them with an empty desktop. This empty desktop can be the standard wallpaper image, or a custom bitmap.
Существует поразительная возможность овладеть предметом математически, не поняв существа дела. А. Эйнштейн
После каждой остановки поезда пожилой провинциал схватывается с места и бегает по купе, выкрикивая: -- О святая Мадонна, какой ужас! -- У вас что-то случилось? -- наконец не выдерживает его сосед по купе. -- Вы знаете, чем дальше я еду, тем больше убеждаюсь, что сел не в тот поезд!
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