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» Search Tools
Spy-CD is a full text search engine for HTML, PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, JPEG and TIFF CDs.
The Spy-CD Java applet is a powerful search tool with word highlighting.
Set up with the Spy-CD-Wizard Windows tool.
Stauri Orataur
Stauri Orataur is a simple and effective knowledge bot. Orataur uses Victauri's Stauri(tm) technology to filter structured sentences from ordinary web pages and return only those that are considered likely to be reasonable answers to your questions.
ThumbNavigator is a web thumbnail galleries explorer that allows you to preview, choose, download then view pictures in a full-screen display, online and offline. Automatically discards banners, ads and pop-up windows.
Turbo-Finder is a search utility that works well for webmasters and everyday users alike.
Domain Name Pro
Find the ultimate populadomain name using powerful brainstorming: automatic thesaurus, advanced word groups with positioning, search engine and link popularity, pattern search, Net Speak™, trademark searches, exporting, 500+ domains and more!
Search thousands of job posting automatically with our 100% FREE search job-search program.
CNSearch is a search system that works under Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers. If your
server uses third party hosting, all you need for installation is access to '/cgi-bin'. You may select file types to be indexed, set index templates and rules.
File Spy
File Spy allows you to scour your disks and change file time stamps and manage files. For example, if you work from 8 AM to 5 PM, you can program File Spy to change the date and time of any files that it encounters to 6 PM - 11 PM.
Find Protected
Search for password protected files on local disks and across a network. Find Protected addresses the security problems associated with unauthorized or illegal use of confidential company information.
Domain Name - Analyzer & Generator
Find or create great domain names by entering keywords, and check availability in 17 different extensions (.com, etc.) Totally customizable for prefix/suffixes. Export results. Register found names from $4.95/yr. Spyware-free. Uninstaller included.
Люди, которым всегда некогда, обыкновенно ничего не делают. Г. Лихтенберг
-- Мой муж делает все, что я ни потребую. Сначала он оставил всех своих друзей, затем перестал пить, наконец, бросил курить... -- О, у тебя железный характер и удивительные педагогиче- ские способности. Представляю, как вы теперь счастливо живете! -- Увы! Недавно он бросил и меня. Неблагодарный!
Билл - Гей тсссс...