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» Development Tools
» Security & Encryption
PC Activity Monitor Net
PC Activity Monitor Net™ (PC Acme Net™) for Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP is an ultimately invisible and undetectable easy-to-use monitoring and surveillance tool for both networked and personal PCs.
PC Activity Monitor Lite
All the data collected while monitoring are saved to the encrypted log file located on the user's machine. It is completely hidden, and even the experienced user cannot locate, stop or destroy the program.
ACProtect standard
ACProtect is an application that allows you to protect Windows executable files(PE files) against piracy. Using public keys encryption algorithms (RSA) to create and verify the registration keys and unlock some RSA key locked code.
c:JAM - Central Jet Accounts Manager
c:JAM is an intuitive and powerful security- and user account-management tool for MS-Access, designed to simplify and centralize workgroup administration esp. in professional intranet environments with large user numbers and distributed applications
Alive File Encryption
Alive File Encryption is a easy-to-use and strong file encryption program that encrypt your files and folders. It is integrated with Windows Explorer, you can secure any files with a simple right click.
Без труда талант - это фейерверк: на мгновение ослепляет, а потом ничего не остается. Р. Мартен дю Гар
Купил Мартын пуд соли. Вышел из магазина и говорит: -- Что-то маловато на пуд. Недовесили, черти! Но возвращаться поленился. Прошел с километр. -- Нет, все-таки честно взвесили... Может, еще с километр прошел. Бросил мешок на землю: -- Просил же пуд! Сколько они туда насыпали!
Я понимаю.... когда вынимаю.