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» Security & Privacy
BitDefender Professional Plus
BitDefender 8 Professional Plus ensures the most advanced antivirus protection, as well as data confidentiality, active content control and Internet filtering.
Lock Folder XP
Lock Folder XP is a new security tool that lets you lock your files, folders and drives with your personal password. The program uses advanced encryption algorithm approved by the US Government. Protect your files from hackers, viruses and mischief.
Keyboard Collector
Secretly record and view all keys typed on your pc while you are away, including chat sessions, passwords, email, and more.
Password Creator
Helps you create passwords that difficult to guess or crack. Whether you're a home user or a network administrator, you'll find that this tool will help you create passwords that are more secure. Create any where from 1 to 10000 passwords at a time.
Advanced Track Eraser
Advanced Track Eraser is designed to protect you by erasing all the unwanted history data on your computer. With simply one click, Internet Track Eraser allows you to erase the cache, cookies, history, typed URLs, autocomplete memory, index.dat.
BlowFish 2000
BlowFish is a small, easy to use, file encryption utility. Simply drag and drop files and folders to quickly protect your sensitive documents, and then enter an encryption key to encode and decode the files you want to protect from prying eyes.
Computer Monitor Keylogger
Secretly monitor all activity on your computer, capturing keystrokes, programs, websites and screenshots. Does not Contain any Adware, Spyware, or other Third Party Software.
LifeNumbers PalmOS
Track all the secret numbers of your life: charge card numbers, expiration dates, PIN numbers, passwords, safe combinations, bugler alarm activation codes, Serial #s
PassMan Plus
PassMan Plus manages & encrypts all your passwords and any other private data and is an excellent PC & file security program providing easy, yet secure access to your private data while denying other's attempts to access them.
Handy Keylogger
Handy Keylogger - superior stealth keyboard monitor for family and business use! With Handy Keylogger you can: record key strokes, capture desktop activity, monitor internet usage, log chats and emails, monitoring applications and active windows!
Тему не выбирают. В том и состоит секрет шедевра, что тема есть отражение темперамента писателя. Г. Флобер
Один шутник подъехал на осле к мясной лавке Афанди и крикнул: -- Эй, мясник, отвали-ка мне мяса! -- Затем, подъехав к прилавку вплотную, шепнул: -- Полфунта ... -- Хорошо, господин! -- громко крикнул Афанди.-- Столько мяса не увезти на осле. Я сам привезу его вам на лошади.
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