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QuikCalc Mortgage & Loan Manager Personal Edition
Mortgage and loan software includes the powerful Amortization Schedules Plus! feature that allows you to override, skip or add any number of payments. Also allows actual loan and payment tracking as well as payment projection Includes many reports.
Program Selector Pro 98/ME
Replaces standard Windows 95/98/ME user interface (task bar, Start button, and icons) with user-configurable password-protected list box of program names. Individual programs can also be password protected. Provides access control for your computer.
PrivacyWatcher is the program for cleaning up the history of your activities on a computer and protecting it from the unauthorized access. It cleans up tracks of Internet Explorer, Windows, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, MS Office and more.
Privacy Guardian
Privacy Guardian is a safe and easy-to-use privacy protection tool that securely deletes online Internet tracks and program activity records that are stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer.
Principal AntiVirus
Principal AntiVirus protects your computer against viruses, spyware, trojans, worms, backdoors, adware and other malware. It does not use signature scanners, requires no regular updates and protects against both future as well as current malware.
Screen Capture Master
Screen Capture Master 2.9 - is a powerful screen capture application that
prints screen and grabs screen shot from Windows desktop. If you want to
capture desired desktop screen pictures at will and select capture area in
rectangle, control, games
Protected Storage Explorer
Protected Storage Explorer is a powerful tool that allows you to view all sorts of data from the Protected Storage Service, including passwords for e-mail accounts in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, MSN Messenger, and Internet Explorer.
Proteg is a security software that enables you to use your portable USB storage device (USB key, USB flash drive, thumbdrive) for secured Windows logon, authentication or access control - hence preventing unauthorized access.
PwdDoubleCheck (Passwords)
PwdDoubleCheck is an easy to use application to check the strength of your passwords on Windows based systems. Activate a trial version of PwdDoubleCheck by using this product key RGm+7-rW2/B-5Z#Eu-$M6Fh.
Какая наука самая необходимая? Наука забывать ненужное. Антисфен
Фрекен Андерсон с крайне встревоженным лицом входит в кабинет мужа, держа в руках медицинский справочник. -- Ну, что я говорила? Я ведь отлично знала, что больна. А теперь я знаю, какая у меня болезнь. Слушай: "В начальной стадии болезнь абсолютно ничем себя не проявляет, и больной может чув- ствовать себя совершенно здоровым..." Вот видишь, все точно, как у меня!..
Чтобы извлекать уpоки из ошибок пpошлого, не обходимо не путать их с победами.