Версия: |
3.9.53 |
Автор: | Active+ Software |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $79 |
Run a program that is not available as a native system service (No user session needed)
Write your own batch or script and run it securely as a system service
Run an application as a service in order to be able to start/stop it remotely
Run a UI application under an administrative security context (the user will not have access to the password)
Run your application securely without the need of a user session
No modifications are required for your existing programs to work
Integrates with Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
Optional administration through Service+
Remote & Local administration supported
Specify window position at startup
Run programs which requires both interactive mode and network access at the same time
Create Service+ views which only show ServiceMill services.
Runs most executable: 16 bit (Dos, Windows, OS/2), 32 bit, batch files, scripts (VBScript, JScript) as a service
Runs custom applications developed using: Visual Basic, Java, PowerBuilder, Delphi, etc. as a service
Start applications at predefined interval
Restarts applications that terminate when a user logs off
Lets you specify the application priority (High, Normal, Idle)
Supports multiple processors (Specify processors on which the application will run)
Reports private errors to the event log
Lets you set process-specific environment variables
Allows to run multiple processes within the same service without ending up with orphan processes when the service is stopped.
Restore user mapped network drives when the process starts
Specify standard input/output file redirection
Schedule the running state of the launched application: restart the application, stop the application during backups or week-ends, etc.
Allows to raise events that let you execute custom programs at different points during the application life cycle.
Завтракайте плотнее, спартанцы, - ужинать нам сегодня придется на том свете. Царь Леонид перед битвой при Фермопилах
Решили открыть в Одессе публичный дом для иностранных моря ков. В горком пригласили тетю Песю с Молдаванки, известную в до- революционной Одессе бандершу, и предлагают ей возглавить новое учреждение. Ей сулят всяческие блага. - нет, - говорит тетя Песя, - знаю я ваши порядочки. Десять коек - для горкома, двадцать - для обкома, органам - по потреб- ности. Весной вы будете моих девочек дергать в колхоз на посев- ную, осенью - на уборочную. А тетя Песя ложись и выполняй план?
П Р О Д А М: велосипеды "Школьник", "Студент", "Аспирант", "Декан"