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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


В начало » Shell

AB Commander ME

A powerful yet simple to use dual-panel file manager with built-in file splitter, folder synchronizer, image viewer, full-featured text editor and more. Evaluation version is fully functional. http://winability.com/


A handy tool for power users that lets you quickly open desktop items when the desktop itself is covered by other windows.


This provides alternative ways to launch programs and to protect your computer from erroneous mouse clicks. Just draw colored transparent regions over the screen and assign a mouse-click action to the area.


Organize your desktop more effeciently and logically. Divide your desktop up into upto 9 'Virtual' desktops. Organize the programs you run, the shortcuts you use and the wallpaper, resolution and frequency of each desktop individually.


Innovative and easy to use window manager with a map of the desktop. DynaDeskXP includes full support for multiple monitors and the multi-monitor extended desktop.

Ortus Shell Dialogs

Get access to the Microsoft® Windows® shell dialogs & wizards from within your applications using this component package!

CCM Wizard

Obtain fast access to your favorite commands from the right-click menu.It allows you to customize the available right click options in the context menu of files, folders or desktop. You can choose from 25 predefined commands or easily create your own

Ortus Shell Components

Add MicrosoftВ® WindowsВ® shell functionality to your applications with this component package for the BorlandВ® developer community! The package contains 10 outstanding shell components.

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Испанская пословица


-- Удивительно! Жены всегда точно помнят день свадьбы, а
мужья, как правило, забывают. Чем это можно объяснить?
-- Все очень просто. Вот ты, Майкл, заядлый рыбак. Скажи,
ты помнишь тот день, когда поймал самую первую рыбку?
-- Конечно!
-- Вот видишь, а рыбка, наверняка, уже забыла.


Люди легко находят общий язык, если не оспаривается их право говорить на разных.

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