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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
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ShopAssist Point Of Sale System

  Версия: 4.75
Автор:ISC Point Of Sale Systems
Скачать Цена:$149


ShopAssist® is a modern, Windows®-based point of sale system suitable for most types of retail business. Transaction Types Cash, C.O.D., Account, Hire, Appro, Lay By, Loan Stock, Quotation, Credit Note, Refund, Exchange Modules Stock Control, Stock Receiving, Stocktake, Cashup, Banking, Cash Book, Petty Cash, Creditor Payments, Purchase Orders, Credit Requisitions, Repairs, Trip Sheet, Staff Register Features Item lookup/selection by Item Description, Item Code, Barcode, Keyword, Point and Click (Touch screen), Programmable Keyboard Item flags to indicate special handling for selected items Discounts on individual items, a sub-total of the sale or the sale as a whole. Nine pricing levels. Service Fees, Labour Charges. Suspend/Retrieve sale. Composite Items. Matrix Pricing. Reserved Stock. Item Ordering (manual or automatic). Twenty tender types. Dual Currency. Promotions Free Items, Department Discounts, Timed Specials, Bulk Discounts, Purchase With Purchase. Loyal Customer Card. Gift Vouchers. Information Sales Histories by various categories. Stock On Hand by various categories. Top Sellers, Slow Movers, Overstock, Low and Out of Stock items, Profit Generators, Profit Margins. Customer Profiling. Cashier Statistics. Over three hundred reports and charts. Security Five levels of password protection for its various modules and functions. Audit trail of all transactions. Integrated data backup and recovery. Network Up to two hundred terminals per server. Multi-Store Inter-Branch Transfers. Consolidated Sales, Consolidated Stockholding, Branch Orders. Tools Item Labels. Shelf Labels. Data export to Paradox®, dBase®, Excel®, ASCII Text, CSV, HTML, PDF. Spreadsheet (Excel®-compatible). Notepad, Sticky Notes, Calculator, Mark-up Calculator, Calendar Diary. Charts. Telephone Number Database. Mailmerge. Document Scanning and Retrieval. Inventory Explorer. SQL Explorer.



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