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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Small Business Inventory Control Pro

  Версия: 6.0
Автор:RyTech Software
Скачать Цена:$199


Small Business Inventory Control (SBIC) is a package designed for small business owners or department managers. It uses a familiar Explorer-like interface for navigation between Vendors, Items, and Customers. SBIC allows you to create invoices, purchase orders, packing slips and ships with 18 standard inventory and sales related Reports that are only a click away. Track vendor orders and receipts, and monitor stock levels. Stock levels are automatically adjusted for each sale, and each time you receive an order from a supplier. Low stock levels are automatically highlighted with a different color. Items can be easily grouped together into assemblies and sold as a group. SBIC gives you the ability to track your customer's payments and balances. Import your existing item, customer, and vendor data from ASCII, Access, Excel, or DBASE file formats. SBIC allows you to customize filters and graphically create and modify reports as well as name and assign custom User fields. Another option that sets SBIC apart from others is the ability to create and use several separate inventory projects. This is ideal for a person that manages multiple unrelated departments. Also, SBIC inventory databases are based on a Microsoft Access database and can be shared on a server to allow for multi-user access.



Жизненная позиция: ненавижу! Диагноз: общее отупение на почве крайнего эгоизма.
Авессалом Подводный


У индусов есть обычай: когда кто-то умирает, в семью по-
койника приходят близкие родственники, вооруженные до зубов,
и говорят:
-- Покажите нам того, кто убил его, и мы отомстим.
Родственники отвечают:
-- Того, кто взял его душу, видеть нельзя. Он незримый.
Тогда прибывшие утешают:
-- Так стоит ли терзать печалью душу, если власть незримо-
го сильнее нас.


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