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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 1.1
Автор:Snoop Intenet Security
Скачать Цена:$19.95


Snoop makes it easy to monitor PC and Internet activity on your work or home computer or even from a remote location. Now you can record everything your children, employees and/or spouse do on their PC and have a report delivered to an e-mail address, anywhere and as frequently as every day. Once installed on a PC, you can view computer activity by logs created or Snoop can send activity log reports to a remote e-mail address you specify. You can specify to send reports daily, weekly or monthly. Your Snoop report can include any of the following: application activity, all web sites visited, keyword detection (you define the keywords that Snoop looks for), logs by date or keyword. Snoop Records: Outgoing e-mail Web Sites Visited Instant Messages/Chat Keystrokes Typed Snoop Features: Stealth Mode Hot Key Activation Help Keyword notification reports Activity Reports Log files by keywords or date. or all log files Works with Modems, Cable Modems, and DSL. Can be automatically or manually configured for browsers and e-mail clients. Snoop is built for Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows 2000. Who Uses Snoop? As a parent, you no longer have to wait until you get home from work to find out what your children have been doing on the Internet. Or, if you have to be away for business, you don't have to wait days or weeks to see what your children have been doing online. You can now find out from anywhere in the world. As an employer, you get daily reports of all employee e-mails, chat conversations, instant messages, the web sites they are visiting and the keystrokes typed. 2. Snoop at work in the office - As an employer, perhaps you want to receive copies of e-mails whenever "Confidential" and "My Company" is used. You simply tell Snoop that you want to receive e-mails that include the text "Confidential"and "Acme Company", and it will automatically copy you on any e-mails or documents typed containing these words.



Жить как хочешь не всякий может; надо жить как должно.
Хуан Мануэль


Идет как-то мужик по улице и видит похоронную процес-
сию: к гробу привязан козел, а за козлом идут одни мужики. Мужик
удивился, подошел и спрашивает:
-- Чей покойник-то?
Ему показывают на парня, который шагает рядом с козлом.
-- Эй, кого хоронишь?
-- Тещу.
-- Счастливец! А козел зачем?
Да как раз он ее и забодал.
Мужик прямо подскочил:
Слушай, будь другом, одолжи козла на пару дней!
Я бы с удовольствием, да посмотри, какая за ним очередь.


"Голубой бежит - вагон качается ..."

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