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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Space Synthesizer Mac

  Версия: 2.0.2
Скачать Цена:$99


The Space Synth is a polyphonic AU instrument plugin, with an ambient sound. It is suitable for ambient music, space music, ambient techno and electronic music in general. The plugin has a unique sound, which makes it very suitable for the musician who needs a fresh new sounding addition to his/her arsenal of plugins and synthesizers. A resonator in combination with an ensemble, an analog style sequencer and an evolving wave oscillator, creates highly sophisticated sounds generated from a ground breaking synthesizer architecture. The plugin has an extensive set of modulation options, making it possible to have say the analog style sequencer modulate the LFO rate for the resonator. The sequencer can also modulate the filter's resonance parameter, to create a range of interesting sounds. The ensemble effect creates sounds with a rich and fat sound. The stereo delay can be easily synchronized with the host software. Just point on click on "sync" and the delay time will stay in perfect sync with the host software. There are so many other options in this plugin, which cannot be described here. Download either the plugin or the manual or both and judge for yourself. The bundle inludes 15 other plugins.



Научиться мудрости так же невозможно, как научиться быть красивым.
Г. Шоу


Горожанка ехала по сельской дороге и увидела двух элек-
триков на столбах.
-- Настоящие идиоты! -- презрительно ухмыльнулась она,
обернувшись к своей спутнице.-- Они, наверняка, подумали, что я
никогда не управляла машиной и с перепугу забрались на столбы.


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