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» Spam
Messenger Ad Blocker
Users around the world began receive Windows popup messages appearing on their computers. This advertisement is the newest form of sending annoying ads right to your desktop. Now you can stop these annoying spam messages and protect your desktop!
Mail UnKnown Anti-Spam
Stop spam with Mail UnKnown. Mail UnKnown uses a Verify then Validate method giving you control of emails you receive. Emails are held until a sender is verified. Then you have the option to validate them as a sender you want to receive emails from.
No Spam Today! SMTP Proxy Free
SMTP proxy mail filter that acts between the internet and your mail server. Incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. Compatible with all mail server software.
No Spam Today! for Workstations
No Spam Today! for Workstations was created for users of Outlook, Outlook Express and all other POP3 email clients to protect mailboxes against spam.
Dewqs' SpamProx
Spam Proxy : seamless interface between your email client and your mail server. Technology using Dewqs' Tribes now famous anti spam engine. Black listing, white listing. Multithreaded server.
Delete SPAM using a domain blacklist. Automatically extract domains from emails and add them to a blacklist.
All-in-One SECRETMAKER is your Swiss Army Knife for the Internet: Spam Fighter, Pop-Up Killer, Cookie Eraser, History Cleaner, Privacy Protector, Banner Blocker and Worm Hunter. All-in-One SECRETMAKER is freeware. Suitable for newbie's and pro.
В необходимом - единение, в сомнительном - свобода, во всем - любовь. Августин
Поздняя холодная осень. В пивную заходит оборванный ал- каш и требует рюмку, чтобы опохмелиться. Продавщица говорит ему: -- Чем опохмеляться все время, лучше бы ботинки себе но- вые купил. -- На хрен! Здоровье дороже.
Спорить с тренером по борьбе может только тренер по стрельбе