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» Spreadsheets
Create Floor Schedules for Your Employees
Assigns up to 50 people on a random basis to up to 6 daily shifts for a one-month period. It is well suited for use in creating floor schedules for real estate offices or similar applications where an individual works only a few shifts each month.
Grab It! XP
Digitize graphs and charts quickly with our Excel based spreadsheet software. Log, linear, date and time scales, distance measurement and angle determination capability also. Free upgrades forever!
Typos Finder
An add-in for Microsoft Excel that helps you polish off all typos in your Excel workbooks.
Employee Task Scheduling for up to One Year with Excel
Assign 50 daily tasks to 20 people for one year with up to three tasks per person per day. Statistics summarize the number of times each person has been assigned to each task. Individual schedules, task schedules and calendars show task assignments.
Create Student Class Schedules with Excel
The program was developed to schedule Adult Day Care activities and has applications in scheduling students to other types of classes. It tracks class sizes as you make student assignments and it creates various class rosters and schedules.
Только тот способен на великие деяния, кто живет так, словно он бессмертен. Л. Вовенарг
-- Как у тебя семейная жизнь? Только честно! Ты чувству- ешь локоть жены? -- И плечо, и локоть, но только в гостях, и то, если сидим рядом.
Фильм: "Национальность особенной охоты"