
Версия: |
1.07 |
Автор: | Synergetix Limited |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $49.95 |
Allows users to set up profiles of file transfers or copies to take place and then schedule them. Profiles can also be marked for On Demand use. The product is Windows based and transfers using Dial-up, FTP or LAN/WAN. It has a comprehensive auditing and logging facility as well. Includes built-in FTP browser.
Ideal for all organizations needing to routinely copy or transfer files. Useful for automating backups as well.
The Shareware version is functional for 30 days. It includes all functionality of the corporate product except for the ability to maintain connections from within Starcomms and the Intelligent Assistant.
The Intelligent Assistant is relevant for larger users. What it does is to use a historical analysis file derived from the transfer log. It looks at the history of each transfer profile and makes recommendations as to which connections appear to be performing poorly compared with their history and similar peers. It also recommends changes to make to schedule transfer times to improve performance and can also suggest the best time to slot new transfers into the schedule for maximum performance.
Отчаяние не есть отрицание надежды. Отчаяние - это отрицание жизни. Авессалом Подводный
- что значит - капитализм находится на краю пропасти - это значит, они оттуда смотрят, как мы копошимся на дне.
Как посмотришь вокруг - еб твою мать! А как подумаешь - а и хуй с ним.