Версия: |
1.3.40 |
Автор: | xpsoft.com |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $29.95 |
StockNews is a high quality ticker tape that monitors the web site of your choice for financial news releases and scrolls them on your computer screen in a non intrusive display. Such high quality financial news monitoring is only available to professional traders and other willing to pay heafty monthly fees. Unlike self refreshing web pages that require a substancial portion of your computer screen, StockNews only takes 32 pixels (about 3% of an average scrren). It can also run on an invisible mode that only shows itself when news for the symbols you're monitoring are releases. This all in real time. No need to give out your email address to a spamming website. The news gets to you in real time, unlike email monitoring that may notify you hours later.
Книга жизнеспособна лишь в том случае, если дух ее устремлен в будущее. О. Бальзак
- однородную ли группу представляют собой советски диссиденты? - нет, они делятся на три группы: досиденты, отсиденты и сиденты.
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