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» Strategy
TetriStation is a pack of 18 different arcade games with different blocks, grids,
strategies and logic. This is a real gamers' jukebox! Some of the games are the
alltime classics, some are completely new and untasted. Try yourself in this variety!
Soldiers of Empires
Soldiers of Empires.
High-detalized turn-based wargame. 1941, East Front. Stalin or Hitler? USSR or Germany?
Solid Spheres Deluxe
Solid Spheres Deluxe is an addictive puzzle game with a twist. Excellent graphics, thumping music and a massive variety of levels will give you hours of explosive fun!
Square Assembler
Square Assembler contains three different puzzle games united by common idea - to clear all squares from the board by matching colors. It supports one-player mode, the online contest, and playing against the computer. Various skins are included.
Starships Unlimited
Starships Unlimited is a fast-paced game of space exploration and galactic warfare. The demo limits play to one replayable game (small galaxy, one opponent, limited tech tree) of 500 years. "Best Independent Game of 2001" - Computer Games Magazine
StripTris is a new great game combining rules of Tetris® and photos of pinups. It utilizes all modern capabilities of the latest, ultimately new devices based on PalmOS 4.0 and later platforms that support screen resolution 320x320 and 65000 colors!
Strategist Checkers
Play a traditional game checkers against a computer opponent. Uses AFC rules for checkers.
SunStar is a small memory trainer. The tongues of the sun start to light up.
The player must remember the sequence himself and has to repeat these with the mouse. With increasing duration, the twinkle becomes faster and more complicated.
Swaps Pack
Swap over colored pieces in five addictive puzzles! Prevent the board from filling up completely by swap over pieces into a cluster of Lines, Blocks or Polyomino of the same color. Such cluster disappear, increasing your score and freeing the board.
Tetcolor for Windows
Balanced tetris-style game with intuitive rules, midi player and skins. Rotate falling blocks to line up three or more of the same color. High scores are recorded, and an honor roll contains nice funny icons. Suitable for all ages.
Вы можете не заниматься политикой, все равно политика занимается вами. Ш. Монталамбер
Андерсон пожаловался другу, что жена совсем замучила его натиранием полов. -- Я дам тебе хороший совет,-- сказал друг.-- Когда она сно- ва заставит тебя натирать полы, стукни кулаком по столу и крикни: "Все, конец!" Андерсон так и сделал. Но жена его только повела бровью и сухо переспросила: -- Чему это, интересно, конец? -- Э... это мастике конец... -- дрожащим голосом пролепе- тал Андерсон.
- Пошел в баню покупать яйца.