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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator

  Версия: 2.1
Скачать Цена:$279


Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator is very advanced cross-platform (Windows, MacOS X and any Unix are supported!) professional obfuscator (encoder, scrambler) for obfuscation of client-side and server-side JavaScript in .js, .html, .asp, .php, .wsc and .wsh files, with support for encoding and for ensuring licensing condititions (like script expiration or binding script to the set of domains), with advanced GUI - Project Manager supporting projects that with files spanning several directories (with ActiveX symbols extraction tool included) and very flexible and powerful commandline interface present. It includes state-of-the-art support for ASP/PHP/SSI fragments embedded inside html code and in any place inside of JavaScript code and support for JavaScript in all html event handlers like onsubmit and for javascript code in "href=javascript:some_code()". Includes unique utilities to gather project-specific exceptions: utility to gather html form fields' names and IDs of html elements, and utility to extract all symbols from ActiveX or OLE components; Full support for products consisting of several JavaScript files and use of eval. Full support for keeping library files scripts use in non-obfuscated (original) form. Includes means to make analysis of changes between different releases of the obfuscated product more difficult. Includes unique support for very easy preparation of code for obfuscation. Source compression mode is also supported. Comes with exception tables for Javascript core functions, W3C html model, non-standard Mozilla and MSIE html models, DOM, DOM Events, CSS model, SVG, XPATH and even XUL; also exceptions for ASP/ ADO/ WSH/ WSC frameworks are included. Includes several configurable obfuscation engines for symbol names, strings and integers. Supports multiple case-sensitive and case-insensitive exception tables, user-specified symbol mapping. Included GUI has well-known IDE and "projects" concept.



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Сенека Старший


К врачу приходит больной и жалуется на боль в ноге.
-- Гм, у вас серьезный вывих. И долго вы с ним ходите?
-- Уже две недели.
-- Две недели?! Как вы могли терпеть столько времени? По-
чему вы не пришли сразу?
-- Видите ли, доктор, как только у меня что-нибудь начинает
болеть, жена говорит, чтобы я бросил курить... Сами понимаете...


Жила-была девочка, сама виновата

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