Tab Forward Lite
Версия: |
1.57 |
Автор: | Web Wide Open.com |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $12 |
Graphically navigate as many links from a single web page with Tab Forward Lite, without using the back button or opening and closing extra windows. Tab Forward Lite grabs the links from the web page and then organizes and numbers the links in a column, and put them in the Side Panel. The links are displayed the same as on the web page allowing you to easily recognize and click on the links as a gif. picture, Text, URL or number to display in the main window, without going back to the original page. No clicking on the dreadful Back Button and waiting for painfully slow reload pages. Works great with Google Image Search. Cuts your time and aggravation. Other benefits of the program are, that it works great on gallery pages and the new Google Image Search. You can also drag and drop links from the side panel to other Explorer windows. And gauge where your web site ranks to a search engine result. And keep track of the total number of links on your web page or your competitors. As well as give click directions by number, instead of trying to explain the location of the link on the web page or long addresses. You can also cut and paste just the links from the side panel, to other programs in a numbered and column format, great for photo albums. Fun and easy to use and snap to install, a small but powerful tool that uses vary little system resources. O/S Requirements Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP Plugs in to Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or greater.
Самый лучший способ подбодрить себя - это подбодрить кого-нибудь. Марк Твен
Мудрец говорил: -- Есть пять типов людей, которые только утомляют других. Первый -- глупец, пытающийся учить кого угодно. Второй -- тот, кто хочет достичь невозможного. Третий -- правитель, никогда не советующийся с министром. Четвертый -- человек, пробующий сделать то, чего никогда не сможет. И пятый -- хитрец, который надеется обмануть всех.
Семь крыльев, пять хуев - что это такое? - Семикрылый пятихуй.