Версия: |
5.2 |
Автор: | Elk River Systems, Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $39 |
Create raffle and event tickets with TicketBench Plus. Elk River Systems has released a major new version of TicketBench, a Java program that makes it quick and easy to create event and raffle tickets, membership and business cards, and any forms where you need to combine text, graphics and sequential numbering. You can use the pre-defined templates included in TicketBenchPLUS to quickly and easily create new ticket layouts, or you can define your own ticket size and margins for custom printing of your forms and tickets. It is as simple as laying out the page format, building the ticket image, defining the print run, and then printing high-quality tickets. TicketBenchPLUS is easy to install, and includes a comprehensive online help system. TicketBenchPLUS is our basic program, if you need more features, please consider our TicketBenchPRO or VenueBench software.
Get perforated ticket paper to match any ticket size and stub configuation at: http://www.perforatedpaper.com
От магов он знал, что бог, которого они называют Оромадром, телом своим подобен свету, а душою - истине. Порфирий о Пифагоре
- в зарубежной печати можно встретить утверждения, будт закон всемирного тяготения изобрел англичанин ньютон, - говорит лектор. - однако еще задолго до ньютона закон этот действовал на руси.
В этой жизни все - говно... Кроме мочи.