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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Ticket Operator

Автор:ITLaurel Inc.
Скачать Цена:$190


Ticket Operator software (Trouble Ticketing System) is the complete unmatched help desk solution for small to medium sized businesses. It allows to provide a simple, easy to use web interface for managing and tracking technical support problems. The main characteristic of Ticket Operator are: - Staff Personalization: each staff member can change certain points of his/her account to suit his/her needs. - Staff Permissions: you can assign your staff members to separate departments; - Email Forwards: the system can forward a copy of a ticket and you can use it with a provider that supports Email->Pager gateway to send notifications directly to your pager; - Ticket statistics: the staff administrator can get any information about ticket status and staff members (number of open / closed / served tickets etc.). For Ticket Operator Administrators: - Runs on Apache/IIS - no proprietary web servers; - Easy-to-use menus for managing reps, departments, categories, priorities and statuses; - Runs on with mySQL database; - Built-in reports for keeping track of problems, users and support reps; - Configurable email messages; - Easy customizable pages to fit your organizations needs.



Была без радостей любовь, разлука будет без печали.
М.Ю. Лермонтов


В дождливый осенний вечер Андерсон постучал в двери
-- Ты дома, Юхансон?
-- Нет,-- сонно ответил хозяин,-- меня нет.
-- Но ведь твои калоши стоят за дверью,-- сказал Андерсон.
-- У меня две пары калош!
-- Ну, если так...-- пробурчал Андерсон и пошел домой.


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